Free complete collection of the PowerPoint SmartArt graphics. Download 130+ ready-to-use layouts. Just browse, select and copy/paste into your presentation.
This PPTX document will save you time (money) and effort: each SmartArt graphic is already graphically optimized. It will also allow you to browse among all the SmartArt options offered by PowerPoint and then easily pick-up the best diagram for your purpose.
First… what is SmartArt?
SmartArt is a smart and powerful feature offered by PowerPoint as an inbuilt tool. It provides an easy solution to convert your textual data into graphics and thus into an easy to understand visual information.
The SmartArt graphics are basically a graphical representation of a multilevel bulleted list.

PowerPoint SmartArt: a great yet underused feature
Powerful but still probably not fully used by most of us.
However there are many advantages using the SmartArt layouts: one of those is that you absolutely don’t need any expert PowerPoint skill to update the information contained in the diagrams: basically you type your (bullet point) text, and the diagram will adapt its size and disposition. Just that simple.
It’s a very easy to use tool. But you still need to bring some aesthetic optimization to finally get a nice looking diagram (indeed, the default layouts offered are rather basic).
Good news: this is exactly what we are offering you (for free): a must-have PPTX document that contains the whole SmartArt diagram collection (i.e., over 130 built-in layouts), organized according to the topic they belong to, i.e.:
- List
- Process
- Cycle
- Hierarchy
- Relationship
- Matrix
- Pyramid
- Miscellaneous
Just browse, select, and copy/paste the diagram into your presentation. Then of course you will eventually need to supply the text and pictures.
Important note: you will get the full functionalities of the SmartArt graphics work only with the PowerPoint 2007 or newer PPTX versions…
The ‘PowerPoint SmartArt Graphics – The Complete Collection’ document features:
- 130+ pre-designed unique, clean and professional charts
- Aspect ratios: Standard (4:3), Widescreen (16:9)
- Format: PowerPoint (.PPTX) – compatible with PowerPoint 2007 or newer
- License: Free – Attribution (please read carefully the ‘Terms of Use‘ before using this template, restrictions may apply)
Slides included:
Slide size: widescreen (16:9) preview
Selection of interesting graphics for your presentation
You already must know some of the SmartArt graphics: for e.g. the pyramid, the horizontal bullet list or the chevron process… when we prepared this full collection, we discovered some interesting diagrams that could make your message unique and eye-catching. Here is a selection (14) of those:
1. Target List
2. Alternating Flow:
3. Increasing Arrows Process:
4. Interconnected Block Process:
5. Converging Text:
6. Circle Accent Timeline:
7. Phased Process:
8. Random to Result Process:
9. Ascending Picture Accent Process:
10. Balance:
11. Circle Relationship:
12. Basic Target:
13. Stacked Venn:
14. Tabbed Arc:
You can download only this 14 SmartArt graphics selection: (17142 downloads )
Great collection. So many thanks for taking the time to collect all those templates and offering them for free. Greatly appreciate it. Thank you so much.
You are so helpful , no words to thank you
This is SO helpful and it was easy to find and download! You guys are the real MVP! Thank you very much!
Thank u so much 😀
Thank you SO MUCH. Such a wonderful collection. I’m in university and this helps me a lot. Love you so much !!!
Thank you so much your work really help me a lot
thanks very much, i love people like who take pain to help others, really thanks
Great Work!
thanks guys we do love you
I don’t know u guys… but one thing i could say…. YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME !!!! It help me a lot in doing my presentations and reports. ! Keep up the great works guys !
Many Many thanks guys …..this helped me a lot…
Thank you very very much for sharing all this. Great work
Tks for sharing!!
really really thank you
thanks. so helpful!
thanks so much
thank you!!!
You are the best!
Thank you @Ricardo… this kinda comment does not need any moderation!!
Great help! thank you
Thank you so much! You’re FANTASTIC!
Very cool! Thank you! 😀
Thank you @Marie!
Wow this website is awesome… thanks you very much dude !!!
really helped thanks.
Thank you so much. Hope you share much template in future
Hello @Cong Canh, yes we will do our best! Thanks
Thank you a lot! U’r the best!
Many thanks for this. Appreciate this to no end!
really helpfull, thanks..
You are the best! You are the best! You are the best!
@John Christopher A, Thank you! Thank you! Thank You! 🙂
You made my day
Very very thank you ! ^^
Thank you so much. The template is so lovely
Being helpful means being human. Many thx
This is really great collection. Thank you for your time effort for a such great collection really very helpful to me
This website has been incredibly useful! Such a big heart to share all these templates! Precious! Loved it! Loads of thanks
Woooowww Awesomeee…!!!
Thank yo so much 🙂
How do i cover the ” showeet” logo which is on every slide. this is the best platform for various kind of templates. thanks a lot for this. you are the best.
hi waseem, you need to go to the master slide (View >> Slide Master)
Useful and brilliant. Thank you very much.
Very useful compilation. Thanks a lot.
really amazing and fantastic collection, i am sure, you must have saved so much time for so many people. thanks a lot for your effort.
Thanks a lot. It must be very useful.
You guys are AMAZING, thank you so much for helping me and many others save time. I LOVE U!
Thank you so much!
So helpful… thank u so much!!
thank you so much, you really rock
Amazing creation.. thank you
Thank you so much for your help! It really help!!