SWOT Analysis – Free Powerpoint Charts

The SWOT analysis is an important tool used in academia or business to highlight and identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. It is particularly helpful for auditing the overall strategic position of a business and its environment and in identifying areas for development.

Presentation Package includes:

Slides included:

Download the charts for free!

Format(s) included: PPT
Aspect ratio: 4:3
Size: 167 KB

40 thoughts on “SWOT Analysis – Free Powerpoint Charts”

  1. I cannot even figure out how to download the SWOT analysis slides. All I am seeing is pictures that are not downloadable-am I missing something?>

  2. Hi Katie,

    Simply do click on the download icon, located at the bottom of the post (just above the rating thing…). It should work…

  3. Is there any attribution involved here? I cannot find any text that implies attribution, but the conditions of use text file that was downloaded along with the templates indicates that.

  4. Thank you sharing this great work.

    Before using this template, I want to make sure about ‘no derivative work’.

    Would it be possible for me to make some changes on your work.

    Since the people I am going to present are not for English speakers, some words need to be translated to theirs.

    I hope that it is possible.

    Thanks again & hope I can hear from you soon. 🙂

    • @ Moses : Hi Moses, thank you for asking. ‘No derivative work’ is mainly for distribution purpose. Of course you can freely use the work you find here, and adapt it to your needs.

      @ hafize : Hi, simply do click on the icon with the green arrow, it should work!

  5. I do love the templates but I tried but i have no way to add my text on it. Can anyone tell me how to this. Millions thanks!

  6. I cannot download. It is only downloading a program similar to drop box. i don’t want download software, I want the powerpoint. or is that not really available. Kris

    • @ kris : Hi kris, simply do click on the download icon, located at the bottom of the post (just above the rating thing, with the green arrow…).

  7. Very creative and easy to download and use….
    Thank You Showeet.. you made you lives easy and our presentation look beautiful.

    • Hey @Priya, you need to go to the Master Slides to remove the icon (View >> Slide Master… the icon is located in the 1st main slide master). Or simply select and copy/paste the matrix into your presentation document!

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